Customer experience
Antetítulo de la cabecera
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One of the pillars of the Renfe Group’s Strategic Plan is to place the customer at the center of our activity, redefining products based on their characteristics to enhance the experience and attract new customers.
Therefore, we aim to establish new personalized communication channels with our customers at all times, whether during short commuter trips or medium to long-distance journeys, understanding their needs, preferences, and opinions. We will provide them with precise, updated, and personalized information about their journey proactively, just when they need it.
We are seeking technological solutions that enable us to enhance the customer experience, personalize communication, and improve our understanding of them.
What we're looking for
Below are examples of potential solutions for this challenge; however, candidates may propose any solution not included as long as it aligns with the challenge:
- Customer experience improvement tools that can be integrated into Renfe’s existing apps or channels.
- Bi-directional communication tools with customers through a reporting system via app, allowing them to easily and quickly report faults at stations or trains.
- Automation solutions, ease of access, and speed in customer interaction through an omnichannel model for digital customer relations, where the integration of various channels allows customers to use any of them and even switch between them.
- Improvements to the signage and guidance system in stations and trains, such as solutions to inform customers about the positioning of train access points on platforms.
- Personalized information solutions tailored to the customer’s needs at each moment through a travel assistance and information system (delays, connections, departure platforms, or assigned coach positioning).
- Solutions that enable mass customization of customers through the automation of capturing and analyzing Voice of Customer (VOC), defining the Customer Journey Map, Archetypes, etc.
- Solutions that allow real-time measurement of customer emotions through new technologies.