Mantenimiento ferroviario del futuro

Mantenimiento ferroviario del futuro

Antetítulo de la cabecera

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The future vision of Renfe Manufacturing and Maintenance entails a technological, operational, and cultural transformation that will change the way we currently work, gaining agility and efficiency in processes, extracting greater value from data, and facilitating the operability of interventions.

Adapting different maintenance processes to the paradigm of Industry 4.0 has become one of the main challenges. The digital transformation of maintenance must align versatility, responsiveness, and product quality in an interconnected environment equipped with new intelligent technologies to optimize maintenance management and facilitate decision-making.

We are looking for innovative technological projects in the field of railway manufacturing and maintenance, focused on digitization and the incorporation of new Industry 4.0 technologies (IoT, Big Data, augmented reality, additive manufacturing, computer vision, etc.).