Digitalization of freight transportation.
Antetítulo de la cabecera
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At Renfe Mercancías, we provide a comprehensive service as a railway logistics operator, capable of managing or participating in any comprehensive logistics chain, both nationally and internationally. All of this under the principle of safety, with a clear customer orientation, based on quality, efficiency, profitability, and innovation criteria, aiming to increase the railway market share, based on our commitment to society and the development of our employees.
However, in recent years, the freight transportation and logistics sector has undergone a significant transformation. The competitive advantages of new digital technologies are transforming production processes and the relationship between companies and their customers, creating new opportunities, disruptive products, and innovative business models.
We are seeking transformative, innovative, and technological solutions that support the digitization of freight transportation by rail as a means to achieve operational excellence, improved profitability, and increased competitiveness.
What we're looking for
Below are examples of potential solutions for this challenge; however, candidates may propose any solution not included as long as it aligns with the challenge:
- Resource and logistics route optimization tools that assist us in traffic planning and traffic management by handling incidents based on relevant criteria at any given time (cost reduction/delays, increased efficiency/quality).
- Traffic simulator to estimate profitability based on train configuration.
- Solutions for building a comprehensive multimodal logistics platform that enables the acquisition of industrial customers and the marketing of logistics spaces associated with rail.
- Optimization of operational processes at terminals (checking the condition of pins, brake shoes, train formation, brake testing, etc.), for example, through the automation of visual inspection of freight trains.
- Digital solutions for the itinerary book, providing the locomotive engineer with all necessary information about the route and track based on location and in real-time.
- Technological interpretation solutions for operational staff to facilitate internationalization.
- Robotic automation of terminal operations (switch movements, etc.).
- Tools that calculate wagon parameters (weight, height, etc.).